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Ilość produktów w Twoim koszyku: 0. Jest 1 produkt w Twoim koszyku.
Layout of spare parts for the lower shaft of a feeder house of the CLAAS Lexion 480 combine
John Deere
Conveyor chain 38,4VB/SD/J2A for Claas combines (Cat Lexion, Commandor, Dominator, Lexion, Medion, Mega). Chain step 38.4 mm. Price per meter.
Grain unload roller chain for combines Claas (Commandor, Dominator, Lexion, Mega). Dimention in MM: Pitch - 38.4. References: #735916.0. Aftermarket spare parts.
Chain assembly for (CA550 SD J2A) grain elevator of Massey Ferguson combine harvesters. . .
Massey Ferguson
Roller chain for feeder house of (Dominator, Mercator, Matador, Protector) combine harvesters. Dimention in MM: Pitch - 41.4 . References: #. Aftermarket spare parts.
Roller chain for grain elevator conveyor of combines. Dimention in MM: Pitch - 41.4 . References: #.
Conveyor chain S45/SD/J2A for Massey Ferguson combines (186, 187, 206, 240, 307, 40, 400, 440, 487, 506, 507, 86, 87). Chain step 41.4 mm. Price per meter.
Сhain CA555/C6E/J3A for corn header John Deere (343, 443, 483, 543, 583, 643, 683, 692, 883, 892), Case IH, New Holland. Number of chain links - 48. Pitch - 41.4. References: #176279C91, AN102009 .
CASE-IH, John Deere, New Holland