Air filter P141278 [Donaldson]

Obraz może różnić się od rzeczywistego

Air filter P141278 Donaldson for tractors, combines, bulldozers, excavators etc. OEM: 76605263, P783792, 3I1441, KAP0727, 4311871, AT308571, CH12881, 3EB0219840, 3EB0219840L, YM12142212570, YM12943612910.

  • Cena produktu: $25.31
  • Podatek(0%): $0.00
  • Cena całkowita: $25.31
$25.31 Zamówienie
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Filtr powietrza P141278 [Donaldson]

United States

Air supply system of the engine (or cabin) for agricultural machinery .


Air filter Donaldson is designed to clean the air from road dust, soot from exhaust gases and other abrasive particles entering the engine (or cabin) along with air. Air filter also reduces noise, increases airflow uniformity and reduces the risk of water entering the engine.


Cylindrical case made of mesh material and closed with two covers. Filter material - cellulose or synthetics. The sealing of the filter element in the case is provided with sealing gaskets placed on the covers.

Air filter is easy to install, disposable and not recoverable (although agricultural machinery manufacturers, within the limits of permissible rules, allow the mechanical cleaning of the filter from pollution).

Additional Information:

Donaldson - a company founded in 1915 in the United States. Now the company is represented in 44 countries of the world and owns more than 1600 patents in various fields: agriculture, power engineering, pharmaceuticals, aerospace and defense-industrial complexes, food industry and others. Donaldson Company constantly improves the innovative filtration technologies, timely meets market requirements and consumer needs.


Srednica otworu , d mm 49
Srednica zewnetrzna , D mm 62
Wysokosc , H mm 229
Typ filtra Повітряний-Циліндричний
* Parametry mogą różnić się od rzeczywistych.

Numery OEM Filtr powietrza P141278 [Donaldson]

  • Obecnie brak na stanie

    Air filter P141278 Donaldson for tractors, combines, bulldozers, excavators etc. OEM: 76605263, P783792, 3I1441, KAP0727, 4311871, AT308571, CH12881, 3EB0219840, 3EB0219840L, YM12142212570, YM12943612910.

    • Cena produktu: $25.31
    • Podatek(0%): $0.00
    • Cena całkowita: $25.31
    $25.31 Zamówienie