Fuel filter P551124 [Donaldson]

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Fuel filter P551124 Donaldson for tractors, combines, bulldozers, excavators etc. OEM: John Deere RE520906, RE523236, RE525523.

  • Cena produktu: $77.25
  • Podatek(0%): $0.00
  • Cena całkowita: $77.25
$77.25 Dodaj do koszyka
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Filtr paliwa P551124 [Donaldson]

United States

Fuel system of the engine John Deere 6068, 6090H, 6081H, 6081HTJ, 6135H of agricultural machinery - tracrors and combines John Deere.


Fuel filter P551124 Donaldson is designed to remove all kinds of contaminants from the fuel (dust, dirt, rust, resin and water - condensation, rain, snow) that are formed in a fuel tank or get into it during refueling.


- changeable fuel filter with thread (spin-on type) consists of a filtering element, seals, special valves, a strong sealed housing and is an independent element of the filtration system;

- fuel filtration is carried out under the influence of pressure, created by fuel pump.

Additional Information:

Donaldson - a company founded in 1915 in the United States. Now the company is represented in 44 countries of the world and owns more than 1600 patents in various fields: agriculture, power engineering, pharmaceuticals, aerospace and defense-industrial complexes, food industry and others. Donaldson Company constantly improves the innovative filtration technologies, timely meets market requirements and consumer needs.


Waga , W kg 1.3
Srednica otworu , d mm 23.5
Srednica zewnetrzna , D mm 112
Wysokosc , H mm 156
Srednica wewnetrzna , d1 mm 20
Efektywnosc 99% , E micron 7
Gwint , UN 1-14
Typ filtra Паливний-Змінний/Spin-on
* Parametry mogą różnić się od rzeczywistych.

Jednostki sprzedaży

Jednostka sprzedazy 1 sztuka
Ilosc w opakowaniu 1 sztuka


Numery OEM Filtr paliwa P551124 [Donaldson]

  • AD-98427 RE525523, RS523236

    Fuel filter P551124 Donaldson for tractors, combines, bulldozers, excavators etc. OEM: John Deere RE520906, RE523236, RE525523.

    • Cena produktu: $77.25
    • Podatek(0%): $0.00
    • Cena całkowita: $77.25
    $77.25 Dodaj do koszyka

    John Deere