Layout of belts and chains combine CLAAS Lexion Terra
Review on products that visitors of online-store leave on the website - is an exchange of usage experiance, recommendations between owners and potential buyers. The basic principle: "help others to make a choice". Review is a real step to make this process easier and more convenient for everyone.
Reviews are intended to communicate, discuss product features and clarify issues of interest to it.
All reviews left on our website are pre-moderated. It can take from several minutes to several days by the time the review appear on the website.
Pay attention! Review and moderation guidelines which we are guided in their consideration:
Blocked reviews:
1. Too emotional criticisms of the product without clear arguments and instructions of real causes of negative attitude to the product;
2. Discussion of poaching, hooliganism or any other illegal actions;
3. Commercial Advertisement (sell / buy / services) from third parties;
4. Duplicate reviews from the same or from different users;
5. Meaningless or absurd comments of one or more words;
6. Written deliberately ungrammatical;
7. Written of third parties on behalf of manufacturers / suppliers;
8. Containing personal data of the client or others;
9. Containing profanity (including hidden), rudeness, insults, trolling and attacks against other participants, and the promotion of violence, calls for breaking the law, etc.;
10. What includes html, php or sql-code.
We welcome:
• Reviews that deliver real user experience from the operation of the purchased goods, reasonably describe the positive and negative sides. Written correctly and concisely.
• Reviews that contain clear and substantial questions about the product that you can not find out from its description or specifications. Content and helpful answers from other users.
• Responses that include comparing and contrasting reasoned catalog of recommendations to other users. With references to the manufacturers, independent reviews, reputable forums and pages with informative discussion about this product.
And finally,
In some cases, before the publication some parts of the review can be edited (deleted if does not meet the above rules).
If you find a mistake in the description or in the characteristics of the goods, please write about this in the review. It will be deleted after moderation, and thanks for vigilance - it will help make our site better.
If you find a comment on the site that violates the rules, but still mistakenly published - please use the button "Report abuse". We will take appropriate action.
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Users with the most Likes of their reviews will be promoted in the shares and tenders that periodically take place on our website.
Pleasant, meaningful and interesting communication!